Short form script ideas

Here are some short form video script ideas about paralysis by analysis:

  1. "3 Signs You're Stuck in Analysis Paralysis (And How to Escape!)"
  • Constantly second-guessing decisions
  • Imagining unlikely worst-case scenarios
  • Feeling anxious when considering options Tips to overcome it: Set deadlines, limit options, make small decisions to build confidence
  1. "The Perfectionist's Trap: Is Analysis Paralysis Holding You Back?"
  • Perfectionists prone to overthinking and fear of failure
  • Perfectionism fuels analysis paralysis and procrastination
  • Done is better than perfect - focus on progress not perfection Reframe mistakes as learning experiences, celebrate milestones along the way
  1. "Decision-Making Hacks to Beat Analysis Paralysis"
  • Use a simple pro/con list to evaluate options
  • Create a decision matrix to compare choices
  • Set firm criteria and eliminate options that don't meet it
  • Get advice from a trusted mentor to gain perspective Having a process makes decisions less overwhelming
  1. "Why We Get Paralyzed by Too Many Choices (and How to Decide)"
  • More options can lead to choice overload and indecision
  • Our brains can only process a limited number of variables
  • Prioritize the most important factors, ignore minor details
  • Recognize there are many potential good choices Make the choice, then make it the right choice
  1. "Overcoming Analysis Paralysis to Launch Your Big Idea"
  • Overthinking kills creativity and holds back new ventures
  • Avoid getting stuck in endless research and planning
  • Focus on creating a "minimum viable product" and get feedback
  • Improve and iterate as you go rather than perfecting up front Progress over perfection is key for entrepreneurs

The core themes are: recognizing the signs of analysis paralysis, overcoming perfectionism, using decision-making frameworks, prioritizing key factors over minor details, and focusing on incremental progress over perfect solutions. The tone aims to be engaging and actionable for short videos. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any of these ideas!

Sources [1] Perfection Paralysis - Martha Beck [2] Confession: The only thing holding me back is my fear of failure - Reddit [3] How Creatives Avoid Analysis Paralysis - Raindance Film Festival [4] Conquering Paralysis by Analysis: Making Decisions with Confidence | MayeCreate Design [5] Escaping Perfectionism | Hidden Brain Media [6] HOW TO GET OUT OF PERFECTION PARALYSIS - YouTube [7] Validating Your Business Idea: How To Beat Analysis-Paralysis [8] Death By Data - by Kyle Evans - Prodity - Product Thinking [9] Decision-Paralysis: when it happens and why? - BRAND MINDS [10] Analysis paralysis: Causes and ways to beat it - Dovetail [11] Analysis Paralysis: Over-thinking and Knowing Too Much to Just CODE [12] How To Overcome Analysis Paralysis and Stop Over-Thinking Decisions You Need To Make [13] How to Make Better Decisions with Less Data - Harvard Business Review [14] 3 Ways to Fight Overthinking (AKA Analysis Paralysis) As a Sales ... [15] How to Stop Overthinking Decisions and Overcome Analysis Paralysis [16] How To Overcome Analysis Paralysis - YouTube [17] How to avoid perfectionism paralysis (and make it your greatest strength) [18] Perfectionist paralysis? Get unstuck and START CREATING! - YouTube [19] Overcoming Analysis Paralysis – Understanding Decision Latency [Live Online] - YouTube [20] 3 Strategies to Overcome Analysis Paralysis when Making Big Decisions - YouTube